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The Ocean Weaver, Karina Siegmund

Ekstern hjemmeside

Textile artist and designer

My name is Karina Siegmund, I am a textile artist and -designer.

 My home is the Stadlandet peninsula, situated at the most western point of the Norwegian coastline.

Here the rough nature, stormy weather and fast changing light, poses an endless catalogue of inspiration, forming the essence of my woven fibre art and design works.

I am a contemporary weaver, creating handwoven goods for modern living. My art and design work create a sacred space, that you can revisit and that keep the ocean close to your heart.

I am the Oceanweaver.

You can visit my studio to expand and explore your own creative practice.

With sheep grazing freely, surfers enjoying the heavy sea and saltwater in the air, silence is to be found walking in the midst of a rich cultural heritage.

Here, with the help of creative practices, you will connect with your inner story.

The remote location will challenge and nurture you, by being fully present.

This place taught me to be the artist I am.

Let´s get nature closer to you.

Logo Made in Norway

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